Monday, November 06, 2006

Vancouver - Me and my girl Maya

We had a tense drive to Heathrow as there was only an eggcupfull of petrol in the tank. And on the plane we were sat at the very back row by the bogs and kitchen. In the middle section. Unfortunately for Juling I had filled in her health profile on her Opodo registration so she got a low cholesterol horror meal that was even worse than the dismal fare the rest of us had. Oops.

But it all got better very quickly and we are now in Vancouver with Sam, Tomo and the mighty Maya. How wonderful to finally get to hold her in my arms, it is an inexpressible love. She is a very chilled out baby who eats, sleeps and gurgles a lot and cries not at all.

All the D-Ts were there at arrivals waiting for us and it was so great to see them as a FAMILY for the first time: Sam all glam earth mother and Tomo proud dad. And seeing my niece in person was love at first sight.

S&T have done a lot of home improvements incl an outdoor den for the smokers (it has been quite rainy here so am v grateful). Tomo has been cooking up a storm (!!) .... most congenial.

It has been amazing to watch Juling revert into full Yaya mode, she knows just what to do at all times and has a very tactful way of helping. I am slowly learning but still a bit nervous of such a tiny, wobbly, fragile new life.

Here is Juling with our babe fast asleep in her arms.

so tiny, so perfect

Today Juling and I woke up around 4am and pottered around until we had disturbed everyone enough to all get up and since then friends of Sam and Tomo's have come round incl Pia, Aldo and Amori who is S&T's godchild and has the cutest most hilarious hair (see above).

A wonderfully relaxing day of eating, drinking, talking and cuddling in the excellent company of family and friends.


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